New Neighbors

This week’s Carrot Ranch prompt is to write about neighbors.

In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about nurturing a neighborly relationship. It can be a next-door neighbor, a neighborhood critter or a neighborly place like a schoolhouse or community garden. Show what nurturing looks like for characters or places involved.

I have been nurturing neighborly relationships in my weekly If We Were Having Coffee posts, and the prompt immediately made me think of a coffee date. Cecilia is excited to greet the new neighbors, and wishes she had coffee to bring them.

“Welcome to the neighborhood,” Cecilia said as she handed a plate of fresh chocolate-chip cookies to the woman supervising the furniture movers.

“Howdy,” the woman said. “I’m Mary. You can see my renegade children, Gracie and David.”

Cecilia was taken aback when she noticed David. He had black hair, like Carlos, and was the same age as Carlos had been when he—

Choking back tears, Cecilia answered, “You’re not— not from around here, are you?”

Mary looked at Cecilia, and her eyes softened. “The house is a mess, but would you like to come in for some coffee?”

11 thoughts on “New Neighbors

    1. Sarah — look for #WeekendCoffeeShare on Twitter. People from all over participate–it’s pretty cool to read about everyday lives in Africa!
      Thanks! It was fun to write.


  1. Love it or loathe it, coffee is a universal invitation. What did we do before coffee? Cecilia was going to be the welcoming one and she found compassion in return. A good neighborly start.


    1. Coffee is a universal code. Even if people don’t drink it, they’ll respond to an invitation for coffee.
      Cecilia was debating whether to stay or to run away after she saw David. She was pretty brave to stay and continue the conversation.


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